Institute of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana



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Inštitut za družbene znanosti, Univerza v Ljubljani
Kardeljeva ploščad 16, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 580 5100

The Institute of Social Sciences forms part of the Faculty of Social Sciences. The beginnings of the institute are linked to the Institute of Sociology and Philosophy, which was established in 1958 at the University of Ljubljana. In 1991 the Institute of Social Sciences was founded, and today it comprises 20 research centres, which initiate and conduct basic applied and developmental research projects in the social sciences. Together they effectively execute some 80 research projects annually, which are funded partly by the state and partly through contracts with like-minded organisations or institutions.

Research centres

The centres within the Department of Sociology are: Centre for Social Informatics, Centre for Methodology and Informatics, Centre for Welfare Studies, Centre for Organisational and Human Resources Research, Research Centre for Comparative Corporate Law, Centre for Spatial Sociology, Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre, Centre for Social Psychology and Research Center for Strategy and Governance.

The centres within the Department of Political Science are: Centre for Political Theory, Centre for Political Science Research, Centre of International Relations, Center for Analysis of Administrative-Political Processes and Institutions and Defence Research Centre.

The centres within the Department of Communication are: Research Centre for the Terminology of Social Sciences and Journalism, Centre for Marketing and Public Relations, Social Communication Research Centre.

The centres within the Department of Cultural Studies are: Centre for Anthropological Research, Centre for Cultural and Religious Studies and Centre for Social Studies of Science.

Within the institute operates the Social Science Data Archive (ADP), a national resource centre. The archive collects data from academic research projects, government or commercial surveys. Their catalogue is available online.

See also

External links

Inštitut za družbene znanosti, Univerza v Ljubljani +
Inštitut za družbene znanosti, Univerza v Ljubljani +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Kardeljeva ploščad 16 +
The Institute of Social Sciences forms part of the Faculty of Social Sciences. +
+386 / 1 580 5100 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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